Sunday, May 15, 2005

365 days, and still no catblogging

Today is the anniversary of this blog. My voice has slowly evolved over the past year, especially in my view of what the role of Musical Perceptions should be. I have written far less about academic politics than I thought I would, probably due to my lack of anonymity. I started out writing a lot about politics, but got burned out after the election. I've moved my political efforts to writing my congressmen and the occasional letter to the editor, and I tend to avoid the political blogs right now. I did a few of the blog-meme things over the year, but have stopped doing so unless I have something specific to say about the meme or survey. Likewise, I do not see this blog as a clearinghouse for all music blog news, beyond providing the blogroll on the left. I want to write substantial posts, which means that my rate of posting has slowed down. This was particularly true for the last month, when I took an extended hiatus. All of my creativity was focused on teaching/grading, creating a research poster, and setting up my research agenda for the summer.

I also did some reading: Winter's Tale (thanks to John Scalzi), Perdido Street Station (thanks to Crooked Timber), and Gun, with Occasional Music (thanks to no one, my airplane book).

In the last year, I've had 14,210 visitors. (This is in slightly less than a year, as I didn't install Sitemeter until May 30). April was my biggest month, with almost 1,700 visitors. My Google Page Rank is 5, good enough to get me a very nice tea maker. My name generates 5,070 hits on Google, and my blog name generates 715,000 hits. In both cases this blog is first on the list. My music blogroll started with Tim Johnson's The Rambler, and has expanded to 36, plus many other non-music blogs. I also started three class blogs, a project I will continue for the forseeable future. I'm pleased with the results, and hope you are as well. And that's enough navel gazing. Coming up, a survey of my students' research papers (names withheld to protect the "innocent.")

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