Saturday, April 16, 2005

Mmmm, blog rolls!

Today I received a request to link to another music blog, reminding me that I've been remiss in updating my blogroll. Now that I use Bloglines to keep up on my reading, I've been subscribing to many new blogs without adding them to the blogroll.

Brian Sacawa is a professional saxophonist, writing Sounds Like Now. (I'm tempted to reorganize my blogroll by instrumentation, though there are too many that I'd have to place in Listener or Unknown.)

Pliable publishes On an Overgrown Path, on music, architecture, film, etc. His goal is to include a dozen or more links in each post, sending his readers on paths of fruitful discovery.

Sean Carroll, astrophysicist at the University of Chicago, writes about the Preposterous Universe.

Michael Berube is a professor of cultural studies at Penn State. His son's knowledge of the Beatles is awesome.

Bloglines is down right now, and I know I'm forgetting some other blogs. I'll update this tomorrow. And while I'm throwing links out, perhaps I can earn some Tea.

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