Inspired by
Chad, I've created my first-ever tournament bracket. I know nothing about basketball, so I picked those schools with the
best ranked graduate music programs. To be honest, I'm a little shocked at some of these rankings, but I'll use them. Using the same rules as Chad, a school with a ranked grad program beats an unranked school. If both schools don't have a ranked music program, I picked the higher seed (I know that much about basketball). Here are my results, click on the picture to make it bigger: (I just noticed an error, California should really be beating UNC by the ranking system. I must have clicked the wrong school at some point in the process.)

Let's see how I do, especially against my brother-in-law and nephew (I'm looking at you, Hugh!)
I should point out that one of my alma maters is actually in the tournament this year, the University of Akron. While I will cheer for the Zips, I doubt they will fare any better through basketball skills than my bracket predicts. I do have some fond memories of playing in the pep band, particularly because I got paid to do so.
My doctorate from FSU looks pretty good on this chart!
Hugh has a pool on Facebook if you want to challenge him directly!
Alas, I think Facebook has closed it now.
Yeah, the rankings don't make any sense now. There are weird omissions. Also, is it the case that the major conservatories are left out because they are not graduate programs?
I'm still taken aback by the rankings themselves. Does anyone genuinely believe Harvard has the best graduate program in the country - that is, better than Yale, Eastman, Indiana, Juilliard, New England, Northwestern, etc., etc.?
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